Oh my big exciting news is… I’m finally back online at home! No I know. It’s not that exciting really. But it was a little weird with no internet access at home for 2 whole months. Apparently the problem is my machine is too old. Or something. I don’t care – it works (OK – so you have to remember to keep pedalling but hey it gets there in the end!) and that’s all that matters. As long as I can do my online stuff and download my photos and music I’m really not bothered. So yes – I can now answer emails again. You have all got my hotmail email address, haven’t you? I’m bored of changing it when I change ISP so I’m sticking to that one now – it’s a lot easier.
On another note – only 3 weeks to go til my holiday! Yay!!! I can’t wait – I’m knackered! It’s been a lonnnnng time since Christmas.
Enough drivel for now. Feel free to get in touch if you want to say anything interesting, random or otherwise! Or any specific questions also welcome – happy to answer them if I can (or make something up if I can’t – it all helps to keep the mind occupied). I never really know what to write on this thing or what information you’re interested in – hence the complete drivel that usually gets spouted out…..