Sunday 18 May 2008

New Decking!

Yep - it's just about finished now, There are a few finishing touches still to do, but it's looking pretty darn good.

This is how the garden looked before - viewed from the back door.

And this is how it looks now - well the back third of the garden anyway! (Lets call the rest of the garden a 'work in progress' - OK?!)

There are still some finishing touches to be done - like finishing off re-painting the shed green instead of that hideous orange / red colour - but essentially this is it. My lovely new decking! I think it's amazing personally - it's huge, but it's at the right end of the garden to get the sun for most of the day. And the covered part is perfect for shade in the middle of the day, and getting the sun in there in the late evenings.

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Hmm. OK. So I've finally set up this blog thingy (that I've been meaning to do for aaaages but not got round to). I guess there's quite a lot to catch up on for those that were reading the other blog. I'm not quite sure how much to document really. If you're really interested you probably know already, and if you don't, you're probably not that interested!

The short short version is that I am still in my house in St Ives, doing it up as quickly as possible to sell as soon as I can. (Ideally spring next year). I also seem to have acquired a co-habitee along the way (not planned, but these things never are, and if there's one thing I've learned over the last couple of years it's to jolly well enjoy life while you can!). More on him later...

For those that want to know (and I'm sure there are a few of you) Tim is doing well. He's living in Penzance and loving the high-life. We're still good friends, and meet up every so often for beer and chats etc. Just in case any of you were wondering whether it's awkward between us and whether you should / shouldn't stay in contact with him - go for it if you want to. Neither of us has any issues - we're fairly philosophical about the whole thing - we just grew apart and weren't meant to stay together. No dramas, nothing hectic, just progression and a fair degree of growing up on both our parts.

Hmm - what else can I tell you? My current life's highlights seem to be around the new decking (photos will appear soon), going to work, coming home again, and going for walks on the beach (frequently regardless of weather conditions!).

Enough waffle for today - but hopefully that's enough of the short version to keep you updated for now....


P.S. Just in case any of you have tried - my normal email still isn't working so I'm just using my hotmail one at the moment. My fault entirely, but that's how it is unfortunately. Life seems to be running away with me and exciting projects like reinstalling software just don't seem to get a look in at the moment!


I thought it was about time I started up one of these things again. For those of you that were linked into my old one, I didn't really think it was a good idea to carry on with that, for fairly obvious reasons! So here I am. The new me in my new life. I'll probably post lots of random stuff again about life - but this one's just to say hi.
