Friday 22 August 2008

So here we are. August bank holiday. A good time not to be on the roads of Cornwall.(Particularly St Ives!) So we're off to house sit for the weekend on a farm for Anthony's Aunt and Uncle. It'll be us, 8 1/2 acres of fields, 4 dogs, 3 cats, no neighbours, a rayburn to play with, a pair of air rifles and lots of bunny rabbits that (hopefully!!) don't know what's about to hit them...! Blissful.

Have a good bank holiday all.


Monday 18 August 2008

So what on earth is this weather all about then? Myself and a couple of others have decided that actually the seasons have shifted and we're well into autumn now. It's definitely September weather. The leaves on the trees outside my office are starting to go yellowy. I reckon we ought to be thinking about summer from April - June now. Ditch August I say. How very miserable. And windy. (Although that might just be here in Cornwall) Never mind. It's casserole and open fires weather now I guess...

Friday 15 August 2008

Apologies for the lack of communication recently. Some technical problems at home mean that I currently have no internet access. Which makes life interesting. It's not until you can't do something that you realise how much you relied on having it there! Strange how we become so dependant on these things.

Anyway - I'm hoping technical problems will be resolved over the next week or so and normal service will be resumed. (And then I won't have to sneakily use my work PC for updating things like this!)

Apart from that - life is pretty good at the moment. Apart from the hoardes of tourists who seem to lose the ability to drive while on holiday, and the rather miserable weather of course!