Tuesday 23 September 2008

So here we are, heading towards the end of September, and what’s in the shops? Blinkin' Christmas stuff. I mean – we’ve barely got over the miniscule bit of summer we’ve had – and they’re foisting mid-winter onto us! Really – is it just me that can’t stand the whole ‘Christmas before December’ lark, or do other people feel the same? I’m quite happy with the idea that we can enjoy Christmas, the build up, the food, the present choosing & wrapping, the decorating and so on – but not while we’re still trying to cling onto the last dregs of summer! I mean honestly. It’s this sort of commercial driven attitude that puts me off the whole event altogether. Lets have December as the month to build up to Christmas and that’ll do nicely. It’s more fun if you cram it into a shorter period of time anyway.


Oh my big exciting news is… I’m finally back online at home! No I know. It’s not that exciting really. But it was a little weird with no internet access at home for 2 whole months. Apparently the problem is my machine is too old. Or something. I don’t care – it works (OK – so you have to remember to keep pedalling but hey it gets there in the end!) and that’s all that matters. As long as I can do my online stuff and download my photos and music I’m really not bothered. So yes – I can now answer emails again. You have all got my hotmail email address, haven’t you? I’m bored of changing it when I change ISP so I’m sticking to that one now – it’s a lot easier.

On another note – only 3 weeks to go til my holiday! Yay!!! I can’t wait – I’m knackered! It’s been a lonnnnng time since Christmas.

Enough drivel for now. Feel free to get in touch if you want to say anything interesting, random or otherwise! Or any specific questions also welcome – happy to answer them if I can (or make something up if I can’t – it all helps to keep the mind occupied). I never really know what to write on this thing or what information you’re interested in – hence the complete drivel that usually gets spouted out…..

Friday 5 September 2008

Finally! It appears that I might actually have an internet connection at home again from next week. It's been nearly 2 months - and has been surprisingly hard work. While I can access this site through work, all my normal 'communication' places that I use (facebook, myspace, and email) are blocked. So if anyone has contacted me through any of those methods - my apologies for not responding! I've got the prospect of 2 months-worth to catch up on next week. Of course, that's assuming I can actually get the PC itself to work! (It's probably feeling slightly neglected...)

Apart from that, life is trundling along quite nicely really. Work is pretty tricky at the moment with the re-structuring going on but I'm just keeping my head down and getting on with it for the moment. The house is slowly getting there so it's ready to sell a.s.a.p. next Spring. Anthony and I have lots of ideas and plans about what we're going to do when that's done. Not sure what else there is to report.

Oh yes - for those that knew her, I spent a wonderful afternoon with my lovely friend Claire yesterday (and Paul & children of course!). It's been 4 years since I last saw her, but it was great to catch up again properly and chat. I'm not sure I'd want to face a 29 hour flight home with 3 children personally, so she's a braver woman than me! And I thought Cornwall was a long way away from everyone - at least I'm in the same country! ;-)

Right - time to get back to work now. Watch this space for a home published comment coming up sometime in the next week (I hope!).

S xx