Monday 17 November 2008

Isn't time flying! Mid November already. Bizarre. Well I've got lots of things going on in my life at the moment so this is a bit of a news snippet update!

Firstly there's Anthony's bike project. Think Scrapheap Challenge with more time, less people, and less scrapyard - but just as much improvisation and lateral thinking on getting things to work / fit! And the Enduro's he's planning on doing when it's all done involve lots of mud and stuff. Looks far too much like hard work to me!

Then there's my new little sideline. I am now a newly qualified Ann Summers Party organiser! Oh yes! It's a good laugh, gets me out of the house, earning some cash, and meeting lots of new people. It's all just good fun really.

Work is pretty horrendous politics-wise at the moment. We're going through massive re-structuring so everything's up in the air and people are playing for power and position at the moment. I still enjoy my day job, just not the politics. It makes it all pretty stressful. I'm hoping I still have a job I enjoy doing come 1st April, but watch this space. (I'll have something - I just don't have a lot of control over what that might be due to other people's game playing / power struggles. Sigh.)

The divorce goes to court on Friday this week - all very straightforward and nothing to contest / argue about - so hopefully that will go through. We need to wait another 6 weeks-ish after that to finalise it all, but it's going through quicker than we expected. We're both pretty happy about that though - we've both really moved on and are living new lives now.

The only complicated bit in all of that is the house. A year ago it was going to be easy, but then this crunchy thing happened and sticking the house on the market now seems somewhat... err... suicidal frankly! Not sure how we work that one out but we'll get there.

I think that's it from me. Oh - and if anyone's wondering about christmas, I'm afraid i'm being antisocial and staying in Cornwall this year! Well - not that antisocial - we're going to Anthony's family for a few days. The usual excesses of alcohol and food will of course be observed....