Tuesday 31 March 2009

Moving on

Well - what a long time since I last updated this! I hadn't actually realised how long it is since I was on here. So what's new in my world?

Well - I finally put the house on the market today. It's quite liberating knowing I can finally move on properly. It's been a long time coming. Anthony and I are looking to move to Helston - we've got friends over there and it'll be nice for us to get somewhere together properly. We're going to rent for now - but just to give us time to work out exactly where we want to be. Fingers crossed it sells nice and quickly! At least the agents all think the market here in St Ives is fairly lively at the moment which is lucky.

Work is a little hectic at the moment - we change organisation tomorrow - the county and six district councils cease to exist at midnight tonight and as of tomorrow we're all one big Cornwall Council covering the whole county. It's OK at the moment, but when the key people you work with have been applying for their own jobs it creates certain tensions and mean that people aren't necessarily focussed on getting things done (understandably!). Hopefully it will start to settle down soon.

No other real news really - Mum's coming down for easter weekend so it'll be nice to see her, and we're in stratford at the end of May for my friend Zoe's wedding. Not much else going on really!

Hope everyone's doing OK.
