Monday 14 September 2009

Well - here I am on the eve of the move to the new place! It's very exciting although it's been a pretty exhausting process along with everything else I've got going on as well. We can't wait - it's really our new start together finally.

We were hoping to have exchanged contracts on this place today but unfortunately it's not happened yet - nothing to worry about just not quite everything in place this end. The buyers suddenly announced last Friday morning that they were ready to exchange and complete that day! It was the first time they'd actually given any indication of their preferred dates. Unsurprisingly we weren't quite ready! However in an ideal world we will exchange sometime in the next couple of days and complete on Thursday or Friday (although they may be simultaneous). Fingers crossed! It'll be nice to know I haven't got this silly mortgage to pay any more.

The phone line is ordered but will take a couple of weeks to sort - and broadband can't be organised until that's done so it's likely to be a good 3 weeks or so before we can get back online properly (although I may give in and check emails from my phone once in a while).

So - I've no idea whether I'll get a chance to post anything tomorrow / wednesday. If I don't I'll post again from the new place once we're in and set up again.


Thursday 10 September 2009

Getting there

We're finally getting somewhere I think. The current tenants of the new place are moving out on Monday next week, so unless they've done something monumentally destructive we'll move in on Tuesday. Yay!

Plus we've also now signed the contracts to sell this box - hoping for a quick exchange and completion now - possibly even the end of next week! Double Yay!

I'm sorting out things like sending out new address details - although sadly there isn't a landline at the new place at the moment. We will get that sorted but it may take a while - there's other stuff to prioritise first. It does mean an impending lack of internet access although I guess we can always use the mobiles if we get desperate!

Monday 7 September 2009

Still packing. Still sorting. Still getting rid of stuff. It's quite nice though. I'm sort of getting rid of the person I'd artificially become. The person that cared about material "stuff" and matching things in the house, and designer label clothing. That's not really me - I've always been the hippy at heart. The one that didn't even own a hairdryer for a long time, let alone designer brand make-up. It's really really nice getting rid of all that stuff I'd accumulated. It's actually quite scary how much I'm getting rid of! I've got 3 whole large sacks full of clothes - all in good condition and some never worn. I've got another sack full of shoes, boots and bags. Ridiculous really. Some would say I've STILL got too many clothes - even after getting rid of all that lot. Ah well.

We're both really looking forward to the new start the new house will bring. I'm waiting for an email of confirmation today from the agent and then I'll start sending out the new address etc. (I don't want to tempt fate by sending it out until we're absolutely certain of it happening.) But fingers crossed this time next week we'll be moving. We both think it's going to make a massive difference - and for me it's my completely new start with a fresh slate. A new beginning with a new focus on what really matters in life rather than the plastic trappings I became part of before. I can't wait.