Sunday 19 October 2008

Some more holiday pictures from Linslade.

This goose was stretching his wings after munching bread out of my hand.

And this pair were displaying beautifully - sadly always just before the camera went, but they're still quite pretty.

And this is a picture of the rabble on the last night! Clockwise from the front left are: Anthony, me, Sara, Sue, Clive, Jen & Ray. Tony (my fellow joint master-lock-keeper) is sneakily behind the camera.

Saturday 18 October 2008

I'm back! The holiday was fabulous. A completely chilled out few days in great company. I've actually got loads of pictures now to post, but here's one for now. We spent a day on a narrow boat on the Grand Union canal - not something I'd have thought I'd enjoy but actually it was an amazing day. Joint master lock-keeper extraordinaire here! ;-)

This was the canal as we were heading back to where the boat came from - the colours on the trees were amazing and we were really lucky with the weather. I'm feeling very chilled out and relaxed now - it's amazing how much of a difference just a few days away can make.
Unfortunately we got home to find the rabbit vanished - and a rather telling tunnel leading out of the back corner of the hutch. However just looking out of the back door late this morning, there he was noncholantly sitting there as if nothing had happened. Hey ho!
More pics may follow when I get myself organised.

Sunday 12 October 2008

Woohoo - holiday!

Yay - we're off on holiday tomorrow! I can't wait. We're back on Friday, but it's going to be so nice to actually get away for a week. I've packed the camera already so might actually manage to get some pictures up on here when I get back! (I know I've been rather lax in that regard.)

We've just got to work out what clothes to pack - I have no idea what the weather's going to do for the rest of the week - every time I look at a forecast it changes. Our beautiful british weather and all that! ;-)


Saturday 4 October 2008

I can't believe it's October already. It's dark when I get up in the mornings, the evenings are getting darker earlier and it's definitely colder. Never mind - think steaming mugs of hot chocolate, sitting by a fire, with a lovely warming casserole... mmmmm!

Happy Birthday Stella & Rik if either of you read this - I hope your respective cards arrived in time - we've had terrible trouble with post down this end of the country - and you both had nice birthdays.

So what's new in my world? I've ditched the braids I had in for the last 7 weeks - they were lovely, but started to go a bit 'fluffy' and definitely getting heavy so I got rid of them. However I've also decided to ditch the blonde - it's autumn now so a change was needed. I'm currently sitting typing with some rather colourful red dye on my hair! Well - it's a long time since I've been red so I thought I'd give it another go.

Knitting. Now there's a thing. Not something I ever thought I'd get into - but actually I bought a book a few days ago and am getting quite into it. It's quite therapeutic just sitting clicking away on the sofa while (not really) watching tv. I certainly wouldn't claim to be an expert after less than a week - but I've got 3 squares now that hopefully will become something interesting...!

Right - time to wash off the hair dye. Then I think it's definitely time for little drinkies...
