Friday 8 May 2009

Life is a little busy at the moment - I feel like I've got headless chicken syndrome right now! Never mind. nothing bad happening - just lots on. No news on the house yet. The market seems to be a bit stop-start down here. A flurry then nothing then another flurry etc. Fingers crossed someone will come and buy it soon!

Work is manic at the moment - waaaay too many politics going on down here - people treading on whoever they can to try and jockey for position in a new structure. It's hard just trying to keep your head down and get on with the day job when all around are trying to sink you. I just have to sit back and have faith that it'll all come right in the end. There's not much more I can do really. But it doesn't make for pleasant working conditions. **sigh**

I had a long weekend last weekend up in Stafford for my friend Zoe's hen do. It was fun seeing everyone although slightly wearing! We had an awful lot of 'activities' to do - including 'Go Ape'. Have you ever tried it? If not - don't! Hanging from a bit of wire while trying to balance on a rope that's swinging around at 70 ft up in the air between 2 trees isn't that much fun - trust me on this.

We've got a new cat - Mr Bobbins - he's a year old, grey, and really quite cute. When I eventually get round to it i'll upload some pictures. (Need to co-ordinate wires, camera and laptop in the same place at hte same time for that - it'll happen eventually!) He seems to be fine with George (the rabbit) as well - to be honest I think in a fight my money would be on George anyway!

What else? Mum came down for easter and we had a really nice time. It was good to spend some proper time together and I think she enjoyed the lack of pace of life here in Cornwall! We'll do everything dreckly. ;-)

We popped up to Kirsty's a couple of weekends ago as well - I had to co-ordinate taking over the caravan business from Dad while he & Lynn are sunning themselves in the Carribean (you really can go off some people...) and it was a good excuse to go and see her as well. Fabulous food and relaxing company all round!

Not sure what else I can report on - this is probably enough waffle for now.



alex n rik said...

Why does you running the caravan business mean you've got to go to Lustleigh? Am I missing something .....?

Your work sounds a little like mine; though probably far worse. We've just been through a re-structure; only nobody (include the powers that be) seem to know how the restructured organisation is meant to work!

Sonia said...

The trip to Lustleigh was to allow for the handover - it being ish half way between Stratford & St Ives (plus a good excuse to see Kirsty as well).

Yeah it's hellish but hey - we kepe getting told it'll get better...!