Sunday 14 June 2009

Hi everyone.

Firstly I want to say thank you for all the comments I received after my last post! I appreciate the supportive messages and understanding from others' experiences about the frustrations of daily life! ;-)

I feel I ought to explain a little though - that rant posted a couple of weeks ago was probably taken slightly out of context! Don't worry about my stress levels - I am actually less stressed with life now than I've ever been before. It's not all getting to me as such - I was just pointing out how ridiculous the system we live in has become.

If you want to see the wider context of what we're doing have a read of our new blog - going stress free - which I've linked on here.

Stella - thanks for your comments - I'm sure Kirsty would love to see you all. And Ken yes Risk Assessments are ridiculous!! :-)

Enough for now on here but I thought I'd do a quick update from my last one in case any of you were worrying about me!

S x

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