Thursday 2 July 2009

Well - I've had to bite the bullet and reduce the house price today. Apparently loads and loads of details are being sent out, but no-one is following them up. I don't mind about the price - I'm certainly not doing this to make money! - it's just now getting towards the territory of negative equity. Hmmm. Current thinking is you don't get your asking price - you get £5 - £10 - £15 thousand below that. Oops. When you consider fees as well, this could be quite an unpleasant exercise. Never mind. We're both going completley insane stuck here though - it's just not what we want out of life. Modern suburbia with it's close neighbours and curtain twitchers, and people who want to do the consumerist lifestyle - it's just not us.

If you've been reading our other blog (must update that as well) - you'll know Anthony's doing loads of wood stuff at the moment - I'm typing this surrounded by boxes, candlesticks, trugs, chopping boards etc etc - well the neighbours have complained about the noise of him using his tools in the garden now. What fun. I guess we're living surrounded by people who won't understand our desire to get away from all this and the fact that we actively hate being here. It's got to the point where we both have a rubbish day at work, come home and feel more stressed because we have to walk through that front door into our suburban box. We're seriously looking into alternatives - I've seen a cheap caravan locally that we could grab and live in for the summer. Just leave this house (looking nice obviously) and escape for a while. We also know someone who has some fields they don't use so we're thinking about asking them to rent a field for a while to put a caravan on, in exchange for doing work round the place for them. We'll see. We'd be so much happier living like that - even if we still have to do the day job - it would just be nice knowing we were coming home to somewhere we actually wanted to be rather than at the moment where we actively hate coming home.

Enough of that. I had a lovely birthday - we went up and sat in a lovely quiet spot on Dartmoor for the day. It was lovely. No people around, just peace and quiet and a lovely home made picnic in a home made picnic basket. Then we came home and had a BBQ in the garden and drank far too much! A perfect day really.

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