Thursday 12 November 2009

We're back!!

Finally! 2 months of no internet access has been rather strange! Especially when moving house and setting up things like utilities - it's quite staggering how much is now set up to be accessed online. Even things like terms and conditions of new policies and so on - you can phone up and arrange contents insurance, but for the full details they say 'you can see those on our website'. Err - no I can't actually. Quite odd. In a strange (albeit occasionally frustrating) way it's been quite liberating not being tied to such things.

Anyway - there is a ton of stuff to update you on so I'll try and stick to the headlines only.

1. We haven't got a landline yet I'm afraid. I've bitten the bullet and gone for pay as you go mobile broadband for now - it was the only option available. They have been to connect the line - but it seems there aren't any spare wires available in the closest exchange box. Which means they need to install more. Which means they need to dig up the road to get at it. It may be some time before this is resolved....!

2. We've settled in really nicely - loving the new house, loving the area, the village is very friendly, we're near friends and Anthony's family here as well - everything is just as we wanted it really. No regrets about leaving St Ives at all - we both grew to loathe the place. Still - this place is great and we're really happy here.

3. We've got a dog! "Blue" is a black and white border collie - currently 11 weeks old - with one traditional dark brown eye and one a piercing blue colour (hence the name). He's gorgeous, very intelligent, incredibly friendly and seems to get on with everything and everyone we've thrown at him so far! He's also appearing to be very easy to train as well, which definitely helps. Once he's had his 2nd vaccination next week we can get out and about with him properly. Lots of long bouncy walks with this one I think! The cat seems to be coping with him as well.

4. I'm still not at work but working through the process of feeling better. It has its ups and downs but I think overall the curve is heading back up again which is a relief.

That's enough waffle for now. I will get pics of the dog up on here soon.

S x

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