Wednesday 23 December 2009

Merry Christmas!

Well - it's Christmas Eve tomorrow so close enough!

I've been busy cooking yesterday and today, only a few things left to sort tomorrow morning and then we're all set! I think I'm ready to feed 28, never mind 8. (Is a choice of 3 puddings overdoing it, or just catering for all possible tastes?!) The home made decorations only sort of came about - we've got lots of holly everywhere, and some lovely dried grasses that have been sprayed shiny colours. None of the garlands or wreaths happened - but I guess that was a little optimistic anyway!

Dad & Lynn turn up tomorrow for a few days, which will be lovely. We've also got Jen & Ray (Anthony's parents) and Sara & Tony (Anthony's sister & partner) coming on Christmas morning. It'll be fun squeezing into the cottage with all 8 of us, plus over-excited puppy and cat...!

Anyway - I probably won't get a chance back on here for a few days now, so wanted to wish you all a very merry christmas.

Sonia xx

Friday 4 December 2009

Christmas and all that jazz

Well - it's not long to go is it?! Only 3 weeks today. That's come around fast. Having the time to do it properly this year, what with not working still, is making it quite an enjoyable process. We're having christmas here in the cottage - I shall be cooking for 8 which I'm really looking forward to. We're going rustic, home made, and local with everything. So it may not be the prettiest meal, with the mis-matched plates and so on, but my goodness it should taste good! I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm also about to venture into the world of home-made decorations. We've got such an abundance here of natural things that are stunning that it seems wrong to use plastic shiny stuff. Well ok there will probably be some tinsel around cos I've already got some - but I'm making my own wreath and going to try some other stuff as well. Loads of evergreens, holly, ivy and so on round here. If I succeed I'll put some pics up.

Suddenly with only 3 weeks to go there seems an awful lot to do though - I've still got to make my curtains for the living room, and Anthony's going to try and get the new dining table made. I'm sure we'll get there though. It doesn't really matter if we don't - it would just be nice if we could. :-)