Sunday 18 May 2008

New Decking!

Yep - it's just about finished now, There are a few finishing touches still to do, but it's looking pretty darn good.

This is how the garden looked before - viewed from the back door.

And this is how it looks now - well the back third of the garden anyway! (Lets call the rest of the garden a 'work in progress' - OK?!)

There are still some finishing touches to be done - like finishing off re-painting the shed green instead of that hideous orange / red colour - but essentially this is it. My lovely new decking! I think it's amazing personally - it's huge, but it's at the right end of the garden to get the sun for most of the day. And the covered part is perfect for shade in the middle of the day, and getting the sun in there in the late evenings.


alex n rik said...


But didn't you have a load of vegetables down there??

and what's wrong with red btw ...? ;-)

Sonia said...

The veg were there last summer - they kind of got abandoned... I've got lots of interesting pots with things like that in instead now.

And there's nothing wrong with red per se, but that particular version of red, on that shed, next to the new decking...? Bleurgghh! ;-)

alex n rik said...

yeah thinking about it, I can see that might have clashed a bit ....

oh and I love the little table and chairs arrangement .... where d'you get it? :-)

Sonia said...

B&Q. In the sale. Bargain!