Saturday 7 June 2008

Hmmm - I've realised I don't post that much on here because I never know what to write. Stuff that's exciting to me is probably utterly boring to anyone reading it - and things that seem normal everyday stuff are probably what you want to know about! Hey ho. So some quick fire updates on my life as it is today:

I have yet another new man in my life - George. I'll get some pics up here soon, but he's a lovely black & white Dutch rabbit. My friend Shev needed a home for him when she had to move house and couldn't take him - so I offered. He has a very delux residence! It's massive! I'll get the camera out and get some pics for you soon.

My garden looks like a bomb site. We're lifting the patio at the moment - and it appears that the person who laid it was a little ... errr ... over enthusiastic. So far we've gone down about 12 inches below the slabs and are still finding concrete. We've managed to borrow a proper breaker for it - but there's still a lot to go. I keep myself sane by sitting on the fab decking at the other end of the garden, and looking at the plan of what it WILL look like when it's finished!

We went to the Royal Cornwall Show yesterday - which was great. I've been to shows before but this one was fantastic! We walked a little over 7 miles and managed to get quite sunburned - but never mind. Lots of inspiration for the future smallholding idea.

What else? Oh yes I'm heading briefly up to Stratford / Leamington next weekend. Just me - and with the primary motive of seeing Pip and doing a trial run for her make-up. (I can't quite believe the wedding's only 5 weeks away!) I'm hoping to fly round and catch up for an hour or two with as many people as possible - but apologies if I can't and my timescales don't suit you. I'll do it properly another time I promise.

Right - more than enough waffle and I need to get back out into the fantastic sunshine - need to get this tan looking amazing in time for the wedding!!

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