Saturday 14 June 2008

Do you ever get that feeling that life is just running too fast? No matter how chilled out you are generally, you get those moments when everything seems too quick for you to assimilate what's going on. Not necessarily anything unpleasant or difficult, just too much going on at once, meaning you're probably missing things. Ah well - it'll all slow down again soon!

Off up north tomorrow (well - it's pretty north from here anyway!). It'll be great to see people - I haven't crossed the border since Christmas! (And for the benefit of those who aren't up on their Cornish politics - naturally the border is the Tamar that separates Cornwall from England...! Oh god I'm turning into a local! Eeek!) Anyway - where was I? Oh yes - going to see people tomorrow and Monday on my whistlestop tour of the Midlands - although the primary objective is to do a trial run of Pip's make-up for her wedding. (Nervous? Me? Oh yes!) It seemed such a nice idea when she asked me if I'd do it for her - and it still does really and I'm really chuffed that she wants me to - but I'm starting to realise that if I get this wrong, this is what everyone's going to see on the photos etc for evermore! Rescue remedy anyone?!

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