Friday 29 May 2009

Had enough

I'm in a bit of a philosophical mood today. Various things have happened over the last few days that have made me think that Orwell wasn't so much a writer as a prophet. Honestly - society is getting so ridiculous and controlled it's not true. I'm not going into a political diatribe here but really - it's all so STUPID! We are controlled and controlled and so many people (although if I'm honest I can't really include the people that are likely to actually read my blog!) are sucked into it without thinking. People don't question. I mean - Europe has decided that sheep aren't sufficiently controlled and labelled (because plastic tags degrade and ears fall off, obviously!) so they are going to make farmers use a new electronic tag system (at a cost of £1.50 per sheep plus a few thousand in equipment costs). Which will cripple their industry completely. It's already almost impossible to keep cows due to the obscene levels of paperwork. The fishing industry is on its knees due to quotas. And school children will soon be banned from wearing anything other than clip on ties because of ... it could only be ... health and safety. So we are getting to a point where unless you grow synthetic food that government can control, (or the organic stuff which is actually almost as bad in regulations), our country won't be able to feed itself. Plus we'll all be scruffy because no-one will know how to tie a tie. (Lets be honest - if you don't learn that one at school when the heck are you going to?!) It's too dangerous to go outside - all that pollution, traffic, murderers etc and you might trip over a kerb which is a health and safety risk. You can't just stay in bed - it's bad for you. You can't drink the water because of the chemicals in it. You can't drink bottled water because the plastic bottles contaminate it. I'll stop that one there but you get the idea...

Now all I really want out of life is quite simple. I want a piece of land (I don't care what it looks like or what condition its in). I want to put a static caravan or log cabin on it. I want to use wind and solar energy, dig a borehole for water, and use real fire for heat. That's all. Not much to ask is it? I'll grow my own food, keep my own animals (and feed them as well) and not bother anyone. My carbon footprint will be tiny. I will reuse and recycle everything. I'll respect the land that feeds me. I'll sell my surplus to get those little extras we'd like to have. We'll build everything ourselves, feed ourselves, make our own clothes from the alpacas and crops, and just drop out of the system. It's really not that difficult a concept - lets get back to what's real in life. Forget your banks and credit cards, your mobile phones and internet connections, your corporate targets and government objectives, your fancy clothes and worrying about what brand of make-up to use. At the end of the day they just don't matter. What matters is having a roof over your head, food to eat and time to enjoy it. Work for yourself rather than benefiting those corporate B*****s in control and reap your own benefits of your labour. It may be old fashioned, but lets get back to living off the land and working for real things like eating rather than corporate objectives and disposable gadgets.

Frustrated with this plastic consumerist centrally controlled life we're in? Me? Hell yes. And I'm growing to hate it more each day.

(You may have spotted the obvious paradox in this blog - well done if you have! And the answer is - yes the facebook page will soon disappear as will this blog. Not immediately - I'm breaking my own social conditioning here which isn't as easy as it should be - but I'm definitely heading in that direction, and sooner rather than later.)


alex n rik said...

oh dear honey: are you in need of a holiday? You're welcome to come up to Frome if you are. And no I'm not being patronising but you're obviously letting the mindless boggins (a more malignant version of boffins btw) get to you. technology has its uses you know - keeping in touch with people for one thing! So don't give up on it completely: and as for the rest - it is optional. Use what you want; ignore what you don't.

And you don't really want me to tell you all the planning problems I notied in your little plan do you? ;-)

keep smiling honey; the sun is shining and the sky is blue: and yes I know that means Cornwall is filling up but at least things are open! Speaking of which I must talk to himself about coming down to St Ives ..... I need more pictures and this house really suits the Cornwall coastal landscapes! (dont ask why)

take care xx

alex n rik said...

Ps: plus what's going on at the moment - credit crunch, recovery, recession, MPs, elections - isn't really real! It's all gone completely loopy and the best thing is just to ignore it :-)

Ken said...

If you want an example of crazy, how about one archery event I did last year. It was at a school and, as normal, we'd been asked to provide a risk assessment. We tried to hand it over and were greeted with, "Oh no, we're not allowed to look at it!"

Apparently someone (obvioulsy an idiot!) had convinced them that if they looked at it they were deemed to be accepting responsibility for everything and so if anything went wrong, they'd be liable!

I did try to point out that if they didn't look at it, then they'd got no idea whether the risk assessment even contained any words but they were adamant!

Crazy or what?

Oracle Mum said...

Hi Sonia. This is Stella. I have at last got myself organised to comment here and there.
I admire your life plan but I think that the powers that be would find lots of ways of stopping you doing stuff. Make things? Eat food from the ground? handle animals?? NO NO much too dangerous and inconvenient as I think Alex is trying to warn you above. Nice idea though. When I am down in the field here - hoeing the onions and potatoes I can pretend that I am doing my bit.
K & I have just had a busy couple of days supporting the new family. Poor Chris had a job interview in Doncaster today so it fell to me to transport H & T from Chesterfield Hospt to the local birth centre. This evening they are the only patients and are enjoying quietness and repose. While I was being a taxi, K was doing his grandpa bit looking after Bella. This evening we are exhausted!
I note that you have visted Kirsty recently. I hope she is well. I don't know whether you are aware that Moores (Derbyshire branch) Slacks and Kershaw-Moores are all planning a holiday in Salcombe next month. Would Kirsty welcome a visit from us all - bearing in mine that all is two 3 year olds and a very small baby? What do you think?
Your Mum phoned here last Tuesday and mentioned her visit to you and how much she had enjoyed it. Lovely to hear from her. Hope to hear from you too.

Take care. xx