Friday 24 July 2009

What a week!

It's been quite a strange week this week, I think it's fair to say. Firstly, on my way home from work on tuesday, some idiot decided it would be fun to not notice that I'd stopped because the person in front of me had also stopped, and went into the back of my car. The short version is that I'm ok - just mild concussion and severe whiplash. Oh and the car I've had for 5 whole weeks is probably going to cost more to repair than it's actually worth. Not entirely sure what the insurance company will let me have as options on that yet - it's all fun though.

The really entertaining bit is that while sitting at the doctors surgery on Wednesday afternoon (having decided I really wasn't feeling that well after all - the concussion apparently) and before being carted off to A&E for a proper check of my neck - I was also bouncing phone calls from the estate agent. The end result being ... drum roll appropriate here ... I'VE SOLD MY HOUSE!!!!!!!

Not only have I sold it - but it's to a cash buyer who wants to move a.s.a.p., and I've settled on a price that's only £2,500 less than I'd decided I would accept. Given the current market and the price he started offering me that's pretty good going really. I can, at least, pay off the mortgage (just!) with that.

Given how I was feeling on Wednesday while all this was going on - it didn't really sink in for a while! Assuming the solicitors get on with it we could realistically be out of here by the end of August! Of course I was utterly prepared to sacrifice all principles to get out of here, but it is sort of nice knowing it's going to a local guy who works for the lifeboat station in St Ives and needed somewhere closer than he's renting at the moment. No more second home owners here thank you! ;-)

That'll do for now - I'm not really supposed to be on the PC or sitting for too long at the moment. Hope all is well with the rest of you.


1 comment:

alex n rik said...

Well okay: first off - HURRAY!!! Offer accepted on house and hopefully it will be fairly speedy since assumably you're not stuck in chains, mortgages etc. And you're helping to support the local lifeboat crew so you can feel good about it all too!

Secondly - poor car: poor you! This is becoming a habit for the Kershaw/Moore types. I hope you're okay. As for the car, as we've discovered, yes it's annoying, frustrating, distressing but all in all it's just a car and you will get something else. Wait and see what the insurers say: at least you should get a no-fault settlement.
keep smiling :-)