Wednesday 5 August 2009

Really had enough now

This is getting silly. I want to state officially here that I have had enough of living in this bloody house with the stupid narrow minded neighbours who have nothing better to do with their time than judge other people's lives.

The neighbours are second home owners. This is their 'holiday residence'. He apparently hasn't worked for 18 months. She gave up her job in June so they could come down here for the summer. Along with their little rat-like yappy dog thing. Nice.

So basically this week I'm off work anyway, and Anthony has the week as leave. We haven't gone away, so he's been trying to take the opportunity to do lots of 'shed' stuff. The bit where he sits and follows his hobby and also tries to develop his fledgling business. So this morning he goes out there and they complained. Apparently it's inconsiderate of us to use the garden as a workshop, and it's noisy and inconsiderate for us to be using tools when they want to sit in their garden all day. They then threatened us with making the house sale as difficult as possible for us if we carry on making a noise at all.

I wouldn't mind so much if it was like he was out there at all hours making a racket. He tends mostly to be sitting in the shed (with the door shut so as not to create dust for the neighbours) just tinkering. The power tools are very intermittent. And most of the time he's at work during the day so may do an hour or so a couple of evenings a week and one day at weekends. Damned inconsiderate of us when they have put so much effort into sitting round topping up their tans I know. Unfortunately some of us work for a living but no - it's not fair of us to want to pursue a hobby while on holiday.

I've had enough. I should be angry with them - particularly the threatening bit - but to be honest I don't want to waste that much of my limited energy supplies on narrow minded people like that.

So that's it for now - no more wood working until we move (hopefully sooner rather than later!). I have a sneaking suspicion Anthony is planning on making as much noise as humanly possible once we've exchanged contracts though (any legal pointers on the options they have to make trouble after that point would be appreciated!!).

Still - my time off and strange head things mean I've taken up a new hobby as well - sewing! I'm having fun making a skirt at the moment and made a really nice bag at the weekend. It keeps me occupied without having to do much actual thinking and without having to actually go out of the house (both of which I seem to be struggling with at the moment).


1 comment:

alex n rik said...

I know it's frustrating but my best advice (both legal and practical) is just to leave it. You'll never make things better and you need to be focusing on better things in the future. You're on your way to being out of there so just go.

As for making lots of noise after exchange of contracts, I wouldn't. For one thing what will it actually achieve? For another the last thing you want is to be dealing with complaints of noise nuisance (which can end up with ASBOs as I'm sure you know) from the Council whilst you're trying to move out!

Strictly speaking there's not really anything they can do to hold up your sale: after all the information you give to your buyers comes from you, not from them but I would recommend you show them you've moved on.