Saturday 2 January 2010

A new year

So here we are - a brand new year, and maybe a bit of a new focus. I'm sitting here after a few days of feeling pretty damn miserable (not sure why) - and am trying to put into place a new positive attitude.

There are no problems that cannot be solved - and those that can't probably weren't the right ones to be trying to solve anyway. It's time for me to stop worrying about things I can't control, stop worrying about things that might happen because the chances are they probably won't anyway, and instead put my energy into solving the few things I can do something about. Like finding a new job. Hey - it's January in a recession in one of the more deprived parts of the country - how hard can it be?! ;-)

No - seriously - here's where I start a new year with feeling positive and being determined to get out of this odd place my head has taken me to, and to make life what I want it to be rather than being stuck somewhere because I think I ought to. Daft really.

Anyway - Happy New Year everyone. I hope yours is as positive as I intend mine to be.

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