Thursday 25 February 2010

Well what a revelation dog training classes are! I mean - I knew we needed a little assistance with our rather strong-willed intelligent puppy, but I hadn't realised quite how much was really required! We've only done 1 class and seen a massive difference already. In us, that is, not the dog. He already knows what needs doing. In fact I suspect he's breathing a huge sigh of relief today thinking 'finally - they're actually doing things properly now. I was waiting for them to figure it out'. It's quite scary thinking that your dog is actually probably more intelligent than you!

Here he is sitting on the sofa with the cat. It's nice that they get on so well, although they are a little Tom & Jerry-ish sometimes! It's odd to think that only 3 months ago these two were actually the same size!

Anyway I'm having a squeaky toy pressed into my leg as I'm typing so I think that's a hint that I've been on the computer ignoring him for long enough!

1 comment:

alex n rik said...

aaah! How sweet. If he's up to travelling we would love to see him - if you can come for the christening that is. Though we don't quite believe this "getting on"; It's not natural between dogs n cats!! ;-)

Got your text: rats! Silly Council .....I still say just walk in cos otherwise you could be waiting forever for them to get their act together :-)