Monday 22 March 2010

All about Blue

Well - according to the vet nurse this morning, our not so little bundle of chaos is particularly calm for his age and breed!!! Eeeek! I'd hate to meet one that wasn't calm! I suppose he is very well behaved really, and he's going through adolescence at the moment so deliberate naughtiness is to be expected. He's absolutely loving training though - and responding very well to it. (I guess I'm not doing too badly either!!)

He's growing well as well - 14.9kg this morning. Looks like he's going to be quite tall but skinny though - she reckoned this morning he probably won't really go above 17kg. I've just measured him as well - he's about 20" tall at the shoulder now.

So it's all looking like he's pretty much made for agility when he's older, which is nice. I want to do something with him anyway - he's too intelligent not to be doing something (and given that we don't have a farm yet ...!). He absolutely adores the few little bits we do in training - running through tunnels and so on. So roll on 31st August when he gets to 12 months. The adolescence should be over (yay!), and his bones will be solid enough to start doing agility properly.

The only real problem at the moment is him scratching & biting at the back of the sofa. We've stopped him going for everything else, but the problem with this one is that the cat does it. In the social structure in our house the cat is definitely below the dog! So it's hard to stop him doing something that the cat does - our only chance is to stop the cat doing it.

Anyone got any tips on how to successfully train a cat?!

1 comment:

alex n rik said...

teenagers will be teenagers!
And you can't train cats.

BUT if the cat is below the dog, then you shouldn't have a problem in training Blue not to do it. And in any event, you should be training him not to do it because you don't want him to and irrespective of where the cat is, you are the boss!

You might even be able to get him to stop the cat doing it ;-)