Friday 27 June 2008

25 again. How the time flies when you're having fun! Shame it's miserable weather, but then it is wimbledon fortnight so I guess that's inevitable. I've been stuck at work this morning, but I have a nice afternoon of pampering planned, then I understand I'm going out tonight, but have no idea where or what for at the moment (which is kind of fun!).

Further reports may follow when I've recovered from the rather inevitable hangover...


alex n rik said...

Happy Birthday to Youuuu
Happy Birthday to yoo-hoo-hoo
Happy Birthday dear Soooonjeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Happy Birthday toooooo yooooouuuuuu

or someting like that!

and hey the weather's been okay up until yesterday - don't knock it!

have fun - you don't HAVE to have a hangover y'know ..... yee gods, whatsa meesa saying!?! ;-)

Sonia said...

Yeah but I have had. However recovering nicely now and about to start again. Oh dear...!

(Thank you!)