Thursday 18 June 2009

This kind of goes against everything I'm trying to do at the moment, but hey - I'm not perfect!!

A few people now have asked what I would like for my birthday. Apart from the 5 acre smallholding with assorted animals (!) which I understand may be just slightly optimistic, what I'd really like is jewellery (Day to day stuff - not 'occasion' pieces).

I'm thinking mainly of necklaces, bracelets and ankle chains. (No earrings, and I have no idea what my ring sizes are!) Any colour apart from dark / sludgy oranges or greens. I do wear gold now as well as silver, although still not as often as silver / colours. I don't really have anything specific in mind about what I'd like.

Basically all the stuff I've currently got I've had for years, and am utterly bored by it all - not to mention a different person now. I've been selling off bits that are worth selling, so my stock is gradually diminishing anyway. It's time for some new things.

Feel free to utterly ignore this post - and don't feel obliged to get me anything! I just thought for the benefit of people who are now asking this may be useful.



alex n rik said...

I'm intrigued by this comment "this goes against everything I'm trying to do"..... do you really mean you don't want anything for your birthday??? ;-)

anyway I forget - or possibly don't know - are you a chunky or slimline girl ..... when it comes to jewellery that is! ;-))

Sonia said...

Honestly? I'm quite happy not to have anything. It really does go against the ideal I'm trying to create at the moment which goes away from materialistic consumerism. Having said that I'm still me and I love presents! So if you don't want to get anything - that's absolutely fine.

And slimline. Usually. :-)

alex n rik said...

I'll see what I can do - and it's okay to want stuff you know! And to like nice things and to live comfortably etc.etc. Don't for a moment think that our ancestors lived the way they did because they had chucked away creature comforts - they grabbed what they could! ;-)