Friday 31 July 2009

Apparently the car IS an economic write off (we were expecting that) but they will give me the value of the car as THEY have assessed it less 10% for keeping it. Their valuation of the car is double what I paid for it so I'm not complaining! They've also said as the damage is non structural it's not a problem keeping it on the road. It needs an MOT in August anyway, so fingers crossed will all be good.

I'm not at work at the moment though. Following a chiro recommendation I went back to the GP on Monday and have been signed off for another couple of weeks at least at the moment. We had been planning to go away next week anyway so Anthony's got the week booked off as well. Not sure at the moment whether we actually will go anywhere - we'd been planning to go camping - but it's nice to have the time off anyway.

House sale is progressing - we've done all the initial solicitor bits now and the redemption figure on the mortgage is better than I was expecting so fingers crossed it'll all go smoothly. We're aiming for 6 weeks max - given it's a cash buyer it might actually be realistic! I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

alex n rik said...

it all sounds like good news hon. We'll keep everything crossed! hope you're feeling better soon ..... and you get chance to enjoy some time off even if you don't go away.